

Apr 20, 2024

People Argue About How Many Pillows To Sleep With

I'm gonna have nightmares about this argument.

BuzzFeed Staff

"Any answer that isn’t two is wild."


"Two. I prefer having my head a little propped up and two pillows just feels more comfy."


"Two. One under your head, and one to snuggle."


"One. Why would I need more?"


"One. I have only one head."


"One, because I'm a basic bitch."


"One. And it's a flat pillow."


"[One pillow] so flat that I could get by with folding up a bath towel and sticking it in a pillowcase."


"My backboard is my pillow. I don’t even own a pillow."


"None. Since I ditched the pillows, I have a lot less backache and neck problems."


"Zero!! I hate pillows! I'm way more comfortable just on the mattress."


"Wait, you guys use pillows?"


"10 pillows, and I love it."


"Eight. I have an amazing pillow bed nest."


"Four. One under the head, one over the head, one between my knees, and one in case any of the others fall off the bed during the night."


"All of them. I need enough pillows to bury myself in them like some type of sand viper."


"TBH, that sounds like a fire hazard."


"The thread is disturbing me. So many people sleep with so many pillows."


"Honestly, what do people need that many pillows for?"
